We have an interesting range of speakers coming to talk to us at the Club this Spring, and as we are a friendly group, we look forward to welcoming you to join us. We meet on the last Thursday of each month in Room 2 at The Meadows Community Centre, 1 St Catharine’s Road, Cambridge CB4 3ES between 2-4 p.m. Regardless of your hearing impairment, you will be able to follow our presentations and discussion amongst members, as we are supported by our speech to text facility and by an induction loop in the meeting room. The picture here shows an example of this in action at our September meeting. Do come along, try something new, reach out and make new friends.

This session will be Rosalind Franklin – The Woman Who Discovered DNA by Carole Pook

  • For further information please contact us:
  • Email: information.hohclub@gmail.com
  • Phone: Doug & Jenny on 01223 241559
  • Write to: Hard of Hearing Club at 29 Stretten Avenue Cambridge CB4 3ES
  • Come along and try us out on the last Thursday of each month (see above).