Little Scientists
Ten young people from North Cambridge are partnering with Cambridge Science Centre and NCCP to create their own issue of OpenUpScience magazine! This the first time that young people have been given control of the magazine, which was started by the Science Centre a year ago and NCCP has been including it in their packages to homes throughout lockdown. The young team have complete control over the topics and how they are presented.
They can include whatever topics, puzzles, and games they want! The issue is in currently in production and is themed around animals, but full of things you wouldn’t expect! The team are learning new science but also the skills and considerations of making a magazine. This includes brand management, copyright rules,and formatting for printing. All of which will be critical in preparingthis very special issue for its public launch at the NCCP Summer Event, and distribution to 3,000 families and 45,000 school students in September.

To get in touch by email
North Cambridge Community Partnership
A CIO registered charity: 1171138