Here are some of the projects we have been working on.
The Gardening Club project aims to reclaim unloved and underused public spaces around the city of Cambridge and transform them using edible landscaping.
Regular events for the whole family
The NCCP are hosting the club at Nun’s Way Pavilion where participants plant fruit & vegetables in our wonderful community garden. This family-friendly gardening club will give you the opportunity to meet new people, learn and share skills.
See when the next garden project is on our events page. To find out more details please call or email us.

North Cambridge
Little Scientists
Ten young people from North Cambridge are partnering with Cambridge Science Centre and NCCP to create their own issue of OpenUpScience magazine! This the first time that young people have been given control of the magazine, which was started by the Science Centre a year ago and NCCP has been including it in their packages to homes throughout lockdown. The young team have complete control over the topics and how they are presented.
They can include whatever topics, puzzles, and games they want! The issue is in currently in production and is themed around animals, but full of things you wouldn’t expect! The team are learning new science but also the skills and considerations of making a magazine. This includes brand management, copyright rules,and formatting for printing. All of which will be critical in preparingthis very special issue for its public launch at the NCCP Summer Event, and distribution to 3,000 families and 45,000 school students in September.

Cooking Fresh
Free Cookery workshop
Meet others from the community and get to know each other during the session and over lunch. This is always a busy event with a limited number of spaces. All ingredients (meat & vegetarian options) will be supplied and you do not need to bring anything apart from yourselves of course!
Do you enjoy cooking? You want to share your special recipes with others? Just contact us to lead the workshop !

Lego LABoratory
NCCP is running a Lego LABoratory for kids 5+all through the summer holidays every Monday at Nun’s Way Pavilion where under 5 siblings are welcome too.The idea is to help children to make different creations with Lego without following instructions,and using their own imaginations, which encourages children’s creativity and team work.
During the pandemic we are running the activity with new normal routines with limited numbers and all safety measures in place .

Meet and Eat
NCCP hosts North Cambridge networking meetings four times a year. This is for all
people and organisations in the King’s Hedges and Arbury area who want to get involved, have a say or find out what is happening in our local community. There will be a free lunch, with time to get to know each other and what your interests are.
If you are a local group and would like to join please do get in touch at:

Coder Dojo
The Coding Club is one of the highlights of our community projects in the year to come and is now supported by: CityFibre. Coding is known as a basic literacy in the digital age and this is a great opportunity to provide young people with the digital skills they need in the future when they begin their careers.
It is hoped that learning code will also help children with communication, creativity, math, writing and most importantly, self confidence. The coding club is open to all North Cambridge community members aged from 6 to 18 years old and everyone regardless of the level of their computer skills is eligible and welcome to join in.
To register a free place or to find out more about the coding club please email or WhatsApp 07596163870

Our mission is to get local people together by creating events, improving facilities and services, and being a campaigning voice for our diverse community. The REC project, originated by local resident and Chair of the NCCP, Ricardo Arbelaez, sought to identify the needs of the local community, and the issues that our community faces. A emerging theme was that of deprevation, and underutilisation of the facilities on offer.
The REC is one of the earliest projects when the NCCP was first formed. Filmed by Andrej of Mediamerge, the project

‘Celebrating 40 years of carnival’
Saturday 10th June 2017
The Arbury festival took place on the 10th of June and was celebrating its 40th anniversary. Stalls holders were invited to dress up and decorate their stalls in line with the theme and to pick a decade from the 70’s to present day.
This popular event takes place every year on the second Saturday of June and is organised by the Arbury Carnival Organising Committee.

To get in touch by email
North Cambridge Community Partnership
A CIO registered charity: 1171138