Little Rainbows Play Group
Little Rainbows Playgroup offers a platform to spend quality time with your child through a variety of fun, interactive and playful learning activities. Our shared aim is to provide access to ways and means to encourage speech, language and literacy development in young children. Activities provided are designed to cater to the importance of early learning and communication. We offer toys, books, arts and crafts, lunch, singing and story time which are changed often depending on theme, festival, weather or season. A great way to experience your child’s development and socialise with other families.Enjoy listening to tip of the day, learn new songs with your little one, watch them marching under the parachute, pop bubbles or simply enjoy a cuppa/conversation with a fellow parent. The sessions are free of charge and every parent/carer with children age 0-5 is welcome,so just drop in to enjoy our free lunch with other families !
Email us at or message us on WhatsApp at 07596163870 for more information.

To get in touch by email
North Cambridge Community Partnership
A CIO registered charity: 1171138